Our members consist of well educated, upwardly mobile, progressive, global individuals between 24-70 years who want to share their life and it’s moments with someone special - be it those that are looking at dating and want to see where this journey takes them, to those who have had a rich and fulfilling journey and may have lost a loved one along the way and know the warmth and laughter that companionship brings. We pride ourselves on representing people from all beliefs, faiths and sexual orientation.
Whilst they come from diverse backgrounds, experiences and circumstances the one thread that connects our members is the fact that they believe that this is a very personal part of their lives and value both the confidentiality that we bring, as well as the hand holding we provide to connect them to the right person.
A number of our members are at different stages of their life -be it emotionally, mentally or even financially where they don’t feel quite ready yet. They want to take baby steps and take their time getting to know someone and going with the flow and seeing where it takes them.
We often think we have it all covered and figured out but the reality is that life rarely goes as per plan. It follows its own course and we either flow with it or break. Whilst many of our members have gone through their share of pain, heartache and loss they also recognize how enriched their lives have been because they have had someone to share it with them. They are longing for that warm embrace , that soft glance and all the heartwarming moments that come with having a companion. We welcome those looking for a second chance at companionship.